Recap Woodfunghi Conference

After several messages in Dutch in the quest to enhance the team, hereby English news again.

As mentioned before, we attended and sponsored the first international Woodfunghi Conference in Ghent Belgium. The conference brought together a lot of knowledge through many different people with the passion for exotic mushrooms being the binding factor.

The more than 25 speakers and their lectures proved to be of high quality and great value to the audience. It showed us that we all have a lot of knowledge, but that there is also much to explore.

As Mush Comb, we were pleased to hear that the industry is looking for standardized solutions for different growing methods used. This has been a clear goal for us too, since we actively joined the exotics market in 2015.

The conference accommodated for an excellent mix of lectures but also networking activities. It is a luxury to share knowledge with people from Finland, Netherlands, USA, France, Poland and Austria in one morning.

It has proven to be a conference of highly added value for all the participants, and we believe that as Mush Comb we can support this industry in their growth.

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